Forum Discussion

MB_58262's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 16, 2012

How to turn off info logger from going to remote syslog server

I configured syslog-ng on the F5 LTM (10.2.1) to send system related log entries and iRule generated logs to a remote server. However, I do see many uneeded log entries that I want to avoid going to the log server - For example "info logger" type of entries - See example below. If you can help shed some light on how to avoid sending such log entries, and better customize syslog-ng to send in only system errors, it would be great -

-- On the F5 LTM, I see the following proccess running ( 2 of them)

logger -p local6.infologger -p

logger -p local6.infologger -p

-- Here are the log entries going to remote log server - "info logger" entries 

Apr 16 10:07:59 slot1/ info logger: [ssl_req] [16/Apr/2012:10:07:59 -0700] x.y.z.w SSLv3 RC4-SHA "GET /xui/update/configuration/alert/statusmenu?_=1334595985972 HTTP/1.1" 960

Apr 16 13:06:14 Apr 16 10:07:44 slot1/ info logger: [ssl_acc] x.y.z.w - admin [16/Apr/2012:10:07:44 -0700] "GET /xui/update/configuration/alert/statusmenu?_=1334595970774 HTTP/1.1" 200 960


--- Here is a snippet of my my syslog-ng config for /var/log/ltm portion -

destination remote_server { 
 udp("x.y.z.w" port (514)); 
filter f_local0 {
 facility(local0) and level(error); 
filter f_no_audit {
 not match("AUDIT"); 
destination d_ltm {
 file("/var/log/ltm" create_dirs(yes)); 
log {

Thanks - 

3 Replies

  • Here is more information about the httpd logs - I was able to disable these log entries from being written to the their respective log files via syslog-ng on the F5 LTM (via commenting out the destination log directory in the syslog-ng config file, for example:




    destination (/var/log/httpd/ssl_access_log) ...



    Entries below are currently still going to the remote syslog server, and I am looking to see if there is a way to disable that if possible.



    Any help would be really appreciated?




    [root@:/ :Active] httpd pwd /var/log/httpd


    [root@:/ :Active] httpd tail -f /var/log/httpd/ssl_access_log


    Apr 16 13:51:37 slot1/ info logger: [ssl_acc] x.y.z.w - admin [16/Apr/2012:13:51:37 -0700] "GET /xui/update/configuration/alert/statusmenu?_=1334609406346 HTTP/1.1" 200 960


    Apr 16 13:51:42 slot1/ info logger: [ssl_acc] x.y.z.w - admin [16/Apr/2012:13:51:42 -0700] "GET /xui/update/configuration/alert/statusmenu?_=1334609411475 HTTP/1.1" 200 960


    Apr 16 13:51:47 slot1/ info logger: [ssl_acc] x.y.z.w - admin [16/Apr/2012:13:51:47 -0700] "GET /xui/update/configuration/alert/statusmenu?_=1334609416575 HTTP/1.1" 200 960




    [root@:/ :Active] httpd tail -f /var/log/httpd/ssl_request_log


    Apr 16 13:51:42 slot1/ info logger: [ssl_req][16/Apr/2012:13:51:42 -0700] x.y.z.w SSLv3 RC4-SHA "GET /xui/update/configuration/alert/statusmenu?_=1334609411475 HTTP/1.1" 960


    Apr 16 13:51:47 slot1/ info logger: [ssl_req][16/Apr/2012:13:51:47 -0700] x.y.z.w SSLv3 RC4-SHA "GET /xui/update/configuration/alert/statusmenu?_=1334609416575 HTTP/1.1" 960


    Apr 16 13:51:52 slot1/ info logger: [ssl_req][16/Apr/2012:13:51:52 -0700] x.y.z.w SSLv3 RC4-SHA "GET /xui/update/configuration/alert/statusmenu?_=1334609421717 HTTP/1.1" 960



  • have you seen this article?  


    LTM 9.4.2+: Custom Syslog Configuration by Deb



    hope it is helpful.

  • -- Thanks for pointing the article, I came across it during my research as well - Here is the configuration I tried - (Note, I narrowed down my log level to warnings and higher)



    [root@HOSTNAME:/:Active] config b syslog include


    SYSLOG - Include Data:


    destination remote_server {


    udp("x.y.z.w" port (514));




    local0.* /var/log/ltm


    filter f_local0 {


    facility(local0) and level(warn..emerg);




    filter f_no_audit {


    not match("AUDIT");




    destination d_ltm {


    file("/var/log/ltm" create_dirs(yes));




    log {















    -- Still seeing "info logger, also I am seeing "crond", "snmpd" entries sent to the remote syslog server.



    Apr 17 14:01:25 x.y.z.w Apr 17 11:21:10 slot1/HOSTNAME info logger: [ssl_req][17/Apr/2012:11:21:10 -0700] x.y.z.w SSLv3 RC4-SHA "GET /xui/update/configuration/alert/statusmenu?_=1334686775740 HTTP/1.1" 896




    Apr 17 14:01:25 x.y.z.w Apr 17 11:20:01 slot1/HOSTNAME info crond[23196]: pam_unix(crond:session): session closed for user syscheck




    Apr 17 14:01:25 x.y.z.w Apr 17 11:02:57 slot1/HOSTNAME debug snmpd[3977]: Connection from UDP/IPv6: [::ffff:...]:47201 REFUSED





    -- I am trying to see if there are any syslog-ng filters which would avoid such entries (above) from going to the remote syslog server. Basically, better optimimization filtering options for syslog-ng. Currently, it is sending a lot of unwanted information via syslog (udp:514) such as log entries above.