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colincashin_171's avatar
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Oct 25, 2012

iRule to persist based on phpsessid



I am looking for guidance on setting up persistence based on phpsessid. We are load balancing across 2 Apache web servers and are using phpsessid for persistence between the servers. I would like to setup an iRule to track the phpsessid in HTTP request/responses and persist to the correct server.


I have used the wiki @ to try and achieve this with the following iRule code:



when RULE_INIT {


set ::debug 0






set sessionID ""


set sessionID [findstr [HTTP::path] "PHPSESSID=" 10 26]


set persistTo [session lookup uie $sessionID]


if { $persistTo equals "" } {


pool [LB::server pool]


if {$::debug}{log local0. "No phpsession ID, load balancing the connection."}


} else {


pool [LB::server pool] member $persistTo


if {$::debug}{log local0. "PHPSESSID $sessionID sent to $persistTo"}








set sessionID ""


set sessionID [findstr [HTTP::path] "PHPSESSID=" 10 26]


set persistTo [session lookup uie $sessionID]


if { $persistTo equals "" } {


session add uie $sessionID [IP::server_addr] 1800


if {$::debug}{log local0. "added server entry $persistTo for PHPSESSID $sessionID"}


} else {


if {$::debug}{log local0. "existing server entry $persistTo for PHPSESSID $sessionID"}






when LB_FAILED {


If no servers are active, redirect to sorry page elsewhere


if {[active_members [LB::server pool]] == 0}{


HTTP::redirect http:://


if {$::debug}{log local0. "No servers available. Redirecting to sorry server."}


} else {




LB::reselect [LB::server pool]


if {$::debug}{log local0. "LB failed, re-load balancing to pool."}







The PHPSESSID is 26 characters long.


I have assciated this iRule with a Universal persistence profile and applied to Virtual Server. However when testing I receive the following error:



TCL error: irule-phpsessid - wrong args: should be "session lookup uie " while executing "session lookup uie $sessionID"



Whats confusing me is how to check the server response using HTTP:: ?


This topic was been touched on before:



Any guidance here greatly appreciated. I'm consuming a *lot* of iRule doco in the process of getting this working. Way cool stuff


3 Replies

  • I would like to setup an iRule to track the phpsessid in HTTP request/responses and persist to the correct server.where is phpsessid in http response? is it in cookie or custom http header?



    set sessionID [findstr [HTTP::path] "PHPSESSID=" 10 26]is PHPSESSID in http path (not query)?







    TCL error: irule-phpsessid - wrong args: should be "session lookup uie " while executing "session lookup uie $sessionID"i think it is error because $sessionID is null.



    anyway, is the irule in Configuring a universal persistence profile section not usable?



    sol7392: Overview of universal persistence

  • Hi Colin,



    Welcome to DC!



    You can check to see if $sessionID ne "" before using it in the session commands to avoid this runtime error.



  • Thanks nitass@ and hoolio@



    The code snippet I included is indeed incorrect - the phpsessid is set in the set-cookie response from the server and not HTTP::path. I had a look at the Universal Profile section ( and read through all options around HTTP::cookie and found that this greatly simplified approach works perfectly! I had completely over-engineered the solution for what I was trying to achieve.



    What I now have in place (and works perfectly) is:



     when HTTP_RESPONSE {
      if { [HTTP::cookie exists "PHPSESSID"] } {
        persist add uie [HTTP::cookie "PHPSESSID"]
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
      if { [HTTP::cookie exists "PHPSESSID"] } {
       persist uie [HTTP::cookie "PHPSESSID"] 



    Whats key is that in



     persist add uie [HTTP::cookie "PHPSESSID"] 

    the HTTP::cookie name snippet: this gets the value of an existing cookie with the given name so it extracts the 26 character phpsessid from the set-cookie headers. Nice! Then we just persist based on this. Thanks for the assistance folks. I'm looking forward to making positive contributions to the community as I learn more about the platform 🙂