Forum Discussion

Sero_83363's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 14, 2013

Client and Server Profiles



Would someone be able to confirm\clarify the following?


If the clients are connecting over a WAN connection it makes sense to


use the tcp-wan-optimized profile on the client side. If the


servers are on the same LAN segment as the F5 then it makes sense to


configure the "server" side as tcp-lan-optimized?



Then if I do this (and customise the profiles) I guess any


idle timouts or keepalive configurations should match on both


the client and server profiles?


(Otherwise the client connection could idle timeout before


the server side does or visa versa)?







2 Replies

  • The answer will depend on what type of traffic the VS is handling really. The timeout values don't need to match thanks to the full proxy but you'd normally have a longer timeout client side as it's this side that may generate errors if connections are dropped. If you want to minimise server-side connections (especially if going through an underpowered firewall (F5 can help you there too - Lol)) OneConnect is a good option too.
  • this is about idle timeout.



    Where the idle timeouts of the client and server TCP profiles differ, the longer timeout determines when a connection is eligible for deletion.sol7606:Overview of BIG-IP idle session timeouts