Forum Discussion

TNY_122436's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 27, 2013

vCMP guest hotfix installation help

Hello all,


I'm trying to install a hotfix 11.2.0 hf3 to my current vCMP guest. The issue is that the hotfix needs to be installed on a non-bootable partition and the vCMP guest isn't configured with a non-bootable partition. It only has one partition. Does anyone know how to go about installing this? Would I need to put the guest in a provision state and do some reconfiguring? I'm running version 11.2.0 and trying to apply hf3. Any help would be great.







3 Replies

  • doesn't "create-volume" work?





    install sys software hotfix ... volume HD1.2 create-volume