Forum Discussion

mali77_57143's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 28, 2013

F5 LTM creating VLANs etc

I have a VLAN SVI (VLAN5) on our cores. I created another VLAN (VLAN6) in the database which will be the virtual servers for VLAN5.


So basically users can hit the IP from VLAN6 which then will load balance to the servers in VLAN5.


I also created the VLAN5 on the F5 LTM. Now every time I try to create floating and no floating IP's on it for the VLAN5 I'm getting errors:



01070712:3: Caught configuration exception (0), Cannot get device index for VLAN5 in rd2 - ioctl failed: No such device - net/validation/routing.cpp, line 353.



What am I doing wrong here? I am assuming that the floating self IP on VLAN5 will be the default gateway for the servers that I want to load balance?


Users from different VLAN's access the IP on VLAN6 for example and that will have two servers from VLAN5 and in the pool.


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