Forum Discussion

C_Aydin_13736's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 23, 2006

HTTP:retry - Difference between 9.1 and 9.2

The iRule commands HTTP:retry and HTTP:request have been introduced in 9.2


Is 9.1 a different stream to 9.2?


What modules are in 9.1 and 9.2 (ie. LTM, GM, ASM etc) and what is the cost?




1 Reply

  • Hi Caydin,



    These questions could probably be best answered by a salesperson.



    To get details on the specific features in each release, you can check the release notes on (Click here).



    GTM and ASM are add-on modules available in version 9.2.2 or higher. They're enabled by license for a fee.



    For information on contacting the sales group see the main site (Click here).



    Once you have an LTM license, you can upgrade between the maintenance branch (9.1.x) and the feature branch (9.2.x) as you wish.



    For more information on maintenance and feature releases, see SOL2965 (Click here)


