Forum Discussion

Travis_Collins_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 10, 2006

TCP payload forwarding

Is it possible to write an iRule to collect client payload and forward the payload to a server over a single TCP socket and then forward the server response back to the originating client. This would be similiar the the oneconnect functionality but it isn't HTTP. I need my server to see no TCP sessions with the exception of it's connection to the bigip.



I tried using the oneconnect function and it doesn't work. Thanks.




2 Replies

  • Maybe I don't understand your application well enough, but if the application server is sending the response to the LTM, the LTM will know which request that client came from and forward back appropriate, either by defined routes or by auto-lasthop.



    If you could provide greater detail about the application it might shed some additional light for the community to reach out and touch...
  • It's a TCP non HTTP request/response protocol. I want the bigip to handle all TCP sockets and all communication to transverse a single socket between my host and bigip. Essentially the oneconnect functionality.



    My test enviroment I have three remote devices connecting, but instead of sharing a single socket to my host, they are each connecting to my host on individual sockets.



    Maybe changing the source port number would do the trick but the response would have to be forwarded back to the original remote source port number.