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Sep 05, 2006

VB .NET nodeDisable sub




I am trying to code a disableNode sub-procedure in VB .NET, and I am getting this error:



"Value of type 'App_Based_Node_Handler.NodeAddress.CommonEnabledState' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of App_Based_Node_Handler.NodeAddress.CommonEnabledState'."



Here is the sub:



Sub disableNode()


Dim sNodeAddress = txtNodetoDisable.Text


Dim state As NodeAddress.CommonEnabledState


state = App_Based_Node_Handler.NodeAddress.CommonEnabledState.STATE_DISABLED


Dim configure = Node.set_session_enabled_state(sNodeAddress, state)



Along with the error, the compiler highlights the 'state' variable at the end of the last line, and I cannot seem to figure out what I am doing wrong.



Can anyone clarify this error for me?



Thanks in advance,


Scott H.

5 Replies

  • The signature for LocalLB::Node::set_session_enabled_state() is as follows:

    void set_session_enabled_state(
        in String[] node_addresses,
        in EnabledState[] states

    The parameters are arrays and you are passing in scalars. The error is correct, the compiler cannot convert a scalar without your help.

    My VB is a bit rusty so I don't have the syntax off hand. It should be something like this:

    Dim node_addressess() as String = {sNodeAddress}
    Dim states() as NodeAdddress.CommonEnabledState = {state}
    Dim configure = Node.set_session_enabled_state(node_addresses, states)


  • Thanks Joe,

    I tweaked the CommonEnabledStates statement and changed it to a function, and I think I am real close. For some reason though, the 'configure' expression does not produce a value. I'm still missing the boat here...

        Public Function disableNode()
            Dim node_addresses() As String = {sNodeAddress}
            Dim states() As NodeAddress.CommonEnabledState = _
            Dim configure = Node.set_session_enabled_state(node_addresses, states)
        End Function

    ...and MSDN is not much help at all:

    Expression does not produce a value

    You have tried to use an expression that does not produce a value in a value-producing context, such as calling a Sub in a context where a Function is expected.

    Error ID: BC30491

    To correct this error

    Change the expression to one that produces a value.

    Thanks in advance for any pointers that you can think of...

    Scott H.

  • Not sure why you have the "Dim configure =" part of the line as the method doesn't return a value. Just remove it...

    Public Function disableNode()
      Dim node_addresses() As String = {sNodeAddress}
      Dim states() As NodeAddress.CommonEnabledState = _
      Node.set_session_enabled_state(node_addresses, states)
    End Function
