Forum Discussion

gerald_wegener_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 07, 2006

Request / Reponse iRules


If I have an iRule that looks at HTTP Requests as in:





some request logic here...





and another iRule that looks at HTTP Responses as in:





some response logic here...





Is it better to combine these into a single rule if possible? e.g. is it better performance-wise, etc.



What is the rule-of-thumb in this case?



Thank You.

1 Reply

  • The main decision point is manageability on your part. If the logic in the two rules are related, then it's probably best to combine them into a single iRule. If they are not and you will use them in multiple contexts, then it might be best to keep them separate.



    There is a very minimal configuration overhead to split it apart into multiple iRules as there are two configuration objects instead of one, but it's nothing that should be of a concern to you regarding runtime performance.


