Forum Discussion

Deb_Allen_18's avatar
Historic F5 Account
Sep 21, 2006

Splash banner, then nothing...


I'm having iRuler withdrawals, somebody please help...



I haven't been able to use the iRules editor installed on my laptop for a couple of weeks now: The splash banner appears and minimizes, but no application window ever materializes... There is an icon on the task bar, and if I click on it, it gets and holds the focus, but still no window. I can right click and close it also without error or problem.



Any ideas what might be broken?






2 Replies

  • Most likely this is due to a bug in the window position logic to try to remember where you previously closed the editor from so the next time it's loaded it appears in the same screen position and size. In some situations, I've seen this get mangled and produce a value that is off the screen. I've got a fix for this but it hasn't made it's way up to DevCentral for auto-updates.



    In the shorter term, if you close the editor, load this registry file, and restart, everything should be peachy...



    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\F5 Networks\iRuler]





    You can also manually edit the WindowPosition value with the Registry Editor (regedt32.exe).



  • Deb_Allen_18's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    You're so modest...



    Effusive praise is warranted just for creation of such an awesome tool in the first place, warts & all.



    Not being able to use it for a while has really underscored its value to me -- I'm much more productive with it than without.



    so thanks again!

