Forum Discussion

Tyler_Robinson_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 26, 2006

retreiving members from a specific pool...

All I want to do is to get the members that belong to a certain pool group. This is the first time I've worked with iControl, or even an F5 product. Below is the script that I'm working with:




















Checking p-webmail-dr1 pool...


Error: SOAP-ENV:Server Could not find element by name: pool_names





The output prints the list of pools that we have, but I can't figure out how to locate the members of a specific pool.



Thanks for any help...

3 Replies

  • The issue you are having is that you aren't naming the parameter (as indicated by the "could not find element by name" error). SOAP works by named elements and since perl is a dynamic language, you need to specify the parameter names in the code.



    $soapResponse = $Pool->get_member( SOAP::Data->name(pool_names => [@poolName]) );



    There is an example in the SDK that does a lot with pool members:






    You might try looking through the samples in the SDK and in the iControl CodeShare section of the site to get a feeling for how the SOAP::Lite toolkit works. You can also go to the toolkits site for more documentation




    Click here



    Good luck!



  • I have looked at the scripts within that directory, but they all deal with the LocalLB. However, when I run a simple script to gather the pools within the LocalLB, nothin is returned. When I run it against GlobalLB, then I get the list of pools.



  • My bad, I didn't look close enough to see you were working with GlobalLB pools and not LocalLB pools - they are different beasts. Try applying my code change (with the SOAP::Data part) and you should be all set.



    Sorry for the mixup.


