Forum Discussion

Pat_Fiorino_287's avatar
Historic F5 Account
Mar 14, 2007

simple iRule for restricting access

I am using a simple iRule to restrict access and give a message as follows:





if {[matchclass [IP::remote_addr] equals $::ip_list]}


{[HTTP::respond 200 content "Sorry


This is a restricted site"]




else {


pool web_pool








This iRule works fine with an http virtual server.



However when i create a simple https virtual server with a simple client ssl profile I get a connection reset.



Am I missing something obvious?



I have tried with version 9.4 and version 9.2.4




2 Replies

  • Try taking away the brackets from around the HTTP::respond command



    when HTTP_REQUEST {
      if {[matchclass [IP::remote_addr] equals $::ip_list]} {
        HTTP::respond 200 content "SorryThis is a restricted site"
      } else {
        pool web_pool



    brackets should only be used when you are executing a "get" type command where you are expecting the results to be returned into a variable.



     use brackets to return value
    set host [HTTP::host]
     do not use brackets when setting or calling a command
    HTTP::host ""



    As for why this isn't working with a SSL profile, you'll need to make sure you have SSL setup correctly to decrypt the content. Try adding a log statement to the code to try to diagnose the issues.



    when HTTP_REQUEST {
      log local0. "client address: [IP::remote_addr]"
      if {[matchclass [IP::remote_addr] equals $::ip_list]} {
        log local0. "Client is bad, sending http response message..."
        HTTP::respond 200 content "SorryThis is a restricted site"
      } else {
        log local0. "Client is good, passing along to pool web_pool" 
        pool web_pool



    Then look in your /var/log/ltm file to see what comes up. Odds are by looking at the output you'll get it figured out.




