Forum Discussion

kckirwan_49724's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 19, 2007

Custom Reporting with iRules Sync issue



I am still somewhat of a newbie to the iRules world. I found the Custom Reporting with iRules article in the Docs and Tips section.


I followed the instructions as outlined and I will say that the functionality works great. I found one "huh????" occurence when doing either a manual config sync to my standby BIGIP or attempting to do a b load.


Anyway.... here's what I see when I issue a b load command.



Reading configuration from /config/bigip_base.conf.


Reading configuration from /usr/bin/monitors/builtins/base_monitors.conf.


Reading configuration from /config/profile_base.conf.


Reading configuration from /config/daemon.conf.


Reading configuration from /config/bigip.conf.


BIGpipe rule query error:


012e0010:3: Unrecognized value for the profile stats field1 attribute:


20x field2 30x field3 40x



In my configsync_peer.log, the following "warning appears".




Reloading configuration... It may take a few minutes...


BIGpipe rule query error:


012e0010:3: Unrecognized value for the profile stats field1 attribute:


20x field2 30x field3 40x




Here is what my stats profile (as described by the article) looks like:


profile stats user_experience {


defaults from stats


field1 20x


field2 30x


field3 40x


field4 50x


field5 num_requests


field6 total_time






Am I missing something???



Thanks in advance for any assistance anyone may be able to offer......


3 Replies

  • I had similar issues trying whenever I tried to do a 'b merge' with this profile. However when I typed the fields into the GUI, there isn't any problem.



    After much experimenting, I figured out that if I changed the field names to something like 'count_20x', I am able to load the config.



    So it would seem that there is a difference between the CLI and the GUI in that the CLI doesn't accept field names starting with a number...





  • Al,



    Thanks for the information. I just altered the fields in the profile and it worked like a champ!!!!!!





  • Thanks for the feedback everyone!



    I'll go ahead and update the tech tip.


