Forum Discussion

Cesar_L__75595's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 07, 2008

ASP App Error "Microsoft VBScript runtime error"

Hello everybody



I have a problem, the iis asp random generate error, some error of memory, error on app, etc, the client see the page with the error...I need to understand how I do for rebalance for other node in the ASM or LTM.



Microsoft VBScript runtime error'800a000d '


Type mismatch: 'setCodSegmento'


/Transa/segments/menu/view.asp, line 33



Can we do "monitor" this with a irule? If the page contains this before being sent to client, send to the next node... something like, some solution...



Thanks you.

1 Reply

  • Does the app respond with a 500 status code when the VBscript error occurs? If so, you could look for the response status and then reselect the node. Else, if you really do need to look in the response content for the string, you could use something like Deb's rule in this post (Click here).



    You could use ASM to inspect the response content and if found send a blocking response to the client. However, there isn't a way to re-select a new node with ASM.


