Forum Discussion

mazek_59373's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 22, 2008

Monitoring unsynced configs?




I'm looking for asolution to monitor two redundant pairs of F5 LTM boxes that configuraion is out of sync. I can't find an OID for this to add to alertd.



What I want to achive is to be make sure that after applying some changes to active box get a notification (email, snmp trap) that I should sync configs as long as they are unsynced.



Is there any way to do it?





3 Replies

  • The only thing I can think of to create a shell script that logs into 2 redundant pairs of F5 and performs a md5sum against the bigip.conf file. If they both match then it's sync'd up. if not then it kicks off an email alerting that it is out of sync. This is not bullet proof because the sync detection within F5 is looking beyond simply simpky the file.



    Personally the indicator within the F5's mechanism is a bit iffy. For example I have a shell script that backups up the configs using the normal b commands and then pushes the it down to an ftp backup server. The F5 units immediately indicates a out-of-sync simply when I performed a backup in the CLI. This is why I never trust the sync indicator.





  • U can try :



    config sync state: .


  STRING=-1 - uninitialized or disabled config state



    I found it in some excel sheet in this forum only
  • As cmbhatt said, the mechanism for detecting whether the configs are in sync is not always reliable, whether the info is retrieved via the GUI, SNMP, iControl or from the internal database. I think it's generally safe to assume the configs are in sync if the sync mechanism shows they are, but often, it will show out of sync when no configuration changes have been made.


