Forum Discussion

Simon_Wright_85's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 26, 2008

Certificate creation error

Im not sure what i am doing wrong but i cannot get our F5 1500 to accept a certificate.



I can create the request without any problems but as soon as i try to install the certificate file that comes from the authority all i get is a certificate/key mismatch error.



It seems like a very simple process but doesnt want to work for me.



I have resorted in the mean time to creating a cert on one of our IIS boxes and then exporting it before importing it onto the loadbalancer.



Does anyone have any ideas?







2 Replies

  • Hi Simon,



    Are the cert and key both in PEM format? If not, can you convert them using openssl on the BIG-IP. If you need to convert them, you can use openssl to do so: (Click here).



    SOL6549: Converting PKCS certificates to PEM format




    Else, if they are in PEM format but still aren't matched, can you take a look at this post for details on how to verify the cert and key are a valid pair? Reply here if you have any questions.



    Certificate and key do not match (Click here)



  • Thanks Aaron



    It was having trouble when i had removed the password when creating the pem file. As soon as i left it in and entered it via the GUI on the SSL profile screen it worked fine.





