Forum Discussion

Brian_Mayer_841's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 04, 2008

Host header replace not working....

Hey all,



We're trying to replace the host portion of URLs for one of our virtual servers if they match a certain host string. I found the example below and applied it to the virtual server - but it's not working.





if { [HTTP::host] equals ""} {


HTTP::header replace "Host" ""







If I go to the URL using, the HTTP request is simply forwarded to the site and the host portion remains - not



Any ideas where to start troubleshooting?






5 Replies

  • when HTTP_REQUEST {


    log local0. "http_request triggered host is: [HTTP::host]"


    if { [HTTP::host] equals ""} {


    log local0. "host matched, replacing it by"


    HTTP::header replace "Host" ""







    Can you then show us the output of this test?



    the log will appear in /var/log/ltm



  • I see lots of these in the LTM log, but I still see the original in the browser URL:



    Mar 4 16:32:09 tmm tmm[955]: Rule probes_redirect : http_request triggered host is:


    Mar 4 16:32:09 tmm tmm[955]: Rule probes_redirect : host matched, replacing it with


    Mar 4 16:32:10 tmm tmm[955]: Rule probes_redirect : http_request triggered host is:
  • HTTP_request manipulate HTTP data that is being sent to the server



    this iRule will only change the HOST header between the bigip and the servers.



    On your browser you will always see the old URL since it will be based on the code provided by the web page.



    So if you want to see another URL in the browser it means you'll need to rewrite all the HTML content coming from the servers. you will need to use the HTTP_RESPONSE event to do so




    To do such a thing, you may have a look at the STREAM command Click here



    or look into the forum you'll see a lots of post about that.


  • Would a URL redirect work too? I'm sure it's less efficient since the clients would be redirected to the correct URL...
  • If your web server can provide http code based on the HTTP host yes.



    If whatever the host is, your web server will respond with code containing then it won't be enough