Forum Discussion

Claudio_16539's avatar
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Mar 19, 2008

Get iRule definition (Java)

Hello community,



i can fetch all iRule names bound on a virtual server using an instance of the VirtualNode class. But how can i get the definitions of that iRules?



greets from Germany,




2 Replies

  • Look at the LocalLB::Rule interface and specifically the query_rule() method. Since you are referring to the "VirutalNode" class, I'm assuming you are using the java wrappers. I'm going to have to check, but I don't think that class library has all of the rule querying included. If not you can always download the iControl Library for Java that contains all of the core iControl methods and will give you access to the query_rule() method.



  • Don_MacVittie_1's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    The wrappers include all of the core APIs. Anything not "wrapped" by a class can be called directly.


