Forum Discussion

Rob_Wotton_8024's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 28, 2008

Monitor Application Pool Avaliability




Currently within our environment, when a website is unavalable due to an application pool stopping a standard web page is displayed saying "Service Unavaliable". When this happens we would like for the pool member which has failed to be marked as unavaliable.



So far when thinking of how to go about this we have drawn a blank. Can anyone offer any advice on how to do this?



Many Thanks




2 Replies

  • What you are looking for there is what F5 terms "Passive Monitoring" - implementing it is described here:





    You'll need to be running v9.4.0 or later for this.
  • I assume that the server replies with a non-200 response when it sends the content of "Service Unavailable". If so, you could also configure a standard HTTP (or HTTPS) monitor which sends an HTTP(S) request and checks for a "200 OK" response before marking the pool member up.


