Forum Discussion

jcook_105986's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 18, 2008

how do i get the license information?


Is there any API funtion in iControl that retrieves


license information of the F5 server?


(Please refer to the attached img)



If there is... then could you plz tell me which API functions should I use?



Im having hard time finding the list of "active modules" "optional modeuls"


"inactive modules" "license type" and other info




Thank you so much.

1 Reply

  • As Stefan pointed out, there is a downloadable SDK but you can also view it in the iControl wiki




    Click here




    As for your specific question, the Management.LicenseAdministration interface is where you want to go to manage the actual installation and updates to the license on the device. For a list of licensed features, you can get the printout from the GUI in the System.SystemInfo.get_product_information() method. Look for the product_features string array in the returned structure.


