Forum Discussion

Dipak_25274's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 04, 2008

i-Rule Help: Authenticate based on Source Ip addr.

Folks, I am new to the BIGIP and i-Rule world.



I need to achieve following using an i-Rule



- When Client is connected


-Check the Source IP address


-if the source IP address is from 172.16.x.x/24 range


- Display the Autentication page in Client's browser asking username and




- after the authentication reply is received from client


- pass the authentication to the webserver


- if server authenticates it successfully, redirect the traffic to the right pool and serve the web content.



Please correct me if I am wrong



I need two different pools one serving the actual traffic and other hosting the authentiation page.



Could some one explain me how could I achieve this using an i-rule and what other elements (pool etc) are required to be configured??



Thanks in Advance.



Best Regards,




3 Replies

  • What should happen if the source IP isn't in that range?



    Is there any way to tell if they're authenticated from the request? If not then it will be hard to tell when you need to redirect them.
  • Thanks for the Reply.



    If the client is not from that IP range, it need not authenticate and be allowed to access the default pool.





  • Deb's article below should give you a good start for one implementation method:



    Conditioning iRule Logic on External Information - 1 - HTTP::retry (Click here)


