Forum Discussion

Gaelle_31283's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 29, 2008

TCP Respond




When I receive some datas from a tcp client, I would like to send a tcp respond to another client. Is it possible?



I want to do this for one reason:



When an external client averts me to stop a particular RTSP session, I want to send a TEARDOWN to the good server to stop this session. The client who asks TEARDOWN is not the same as the client who asks DESCRIBE, SETUP and PLAY.




2 Replies

  • I don't think there is a way to use TCP::respond to establish a TCP connection to a new arbitrary client. TCP::respond can be used to send a TCP response on an existing connection to a client who already initiated a connection to a VIP. Can anyone else think of something fancy to handle this?



    The wiki page (Click here) states that the command can be used to "complete a protocol handshake" but I'm not sure what that means, as there isn't an option to specify a new IP address.



  • I don't think this is possible



    You can either make a TCP::respond to the server or the client linked to this specific connection.