Forum Discussion

JCMATTOS_41723's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 09, 2008

Continue normal flow of packets?

Still new to this irule stuff and have a BigIP 9.4.3 with an irule that we would like to not discard packets at the tailend but continue passing traffic what statements should I use for this? Or will we need a default gateway statement? Ideally, we would like the traffic to continue to pass normally, if no match is found in the irule. Hopefully this is an easy one...Thx!





if { [IP::addr [IP::remote_addr] equals 10.x.x.0/23] } {node 10.x.x.1}


elseif { [IP::addr [IP::remote_addr] equals 10.x.x.0/23] } {node 10.x.x.1}


else { discard }





1 Reply

  • Hi JC,



    I'd suggest upgrading from 9.4.3 to the latest version, 9.4.5 with hotfix2. There have been some pretty significant bug fixes since your existing release. For details, you can check the 9.4.5 release notes and the readme for hotfix2 on



    Do you want to forward packets according to the LTM routing table instead of discarding them in the else clause? If so, you can replace discard with forward (Click here).


