Forum Discussion

starks951_87602's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 21, 2008

Backing out of the UCS File?



I have been given a number of UCS files from our BigIp Admins and I need to back out of these files into the base.conf and bigip.conf files so I can load them into a network modeling tool I am working on. I reliaze I can unzip this UCS and I end up with a file that I can parse for the terms base.conf and bigip.conf, however there is some odd markers between the sections that look like they might be file headers... ie its not simply a clean line of delineating one file from the next. Additionally there seems to be reference to bigip.conf as well as bigip.conf.otcu, .mtch, .test, etc and I am not sure which it the ACTIVE version of this file.



With that said do you folks know of a way to take the UCS file and back into files that existed in the original BigIp operating system or should I just hack up a little code to parse for start and stop chracters and paste them into a file named $hostname_base.conf and $hostname_bigip.conf



Excuse my ignorance as I don't know much about the BigIp platform and was really looking for some outside expertise to solve this little issue.




4 Replies

  • UCS file is actually a gzipped tar file. SOL2250 in AskF5 has more info. You can use 'tar xfz ' to extract it or use WinZIP (rename the UCS file to *.tar.gz).



    I hope it helps.


  • Hrmm... tried to rename it as as .tar .tgz .tar.gz, etc but each time my Linux OS says is doesn't look like an archive... I will dig in a little deeper and see if I can find anything...



    Thanks guys..


  • Standard tar commands should work fine:



    file cs_backup.ucs


    cs_backup.ucs: gzip compressed data, was "configsync-2.0-1-Linux-2.4.219.", from Unix, max speed



    tar tvfz cs_backup.ucs | head


    -rw-r--r-- root/apache 133572 2008-10-17 15:23:40 SPEC-Manifest


    -rw-r--r-- root/apache 263838 2008-10-17 15:23:47 SPEC-Files


    -rw------- root/apache 702 2008-10-17 15:23:37 config/bigip_base.conf.example.net_cs


    -rw------- root/apache 0 2008-10-17 15:23:37 config/bigip_local.conf.example.net_cs


    -rw-r--r-- tomcat4/tomcat4 9400 2008-10-06 12:30:06 config/bigip.license.example.net_cs


    -rw-r--r-- root/root 456 2008-07-01 16:09:55 etc/group.example.net_cs


    -r--r--r-- root/root 250 2008-07-01 17:33:37 etc/hosts.example.net_cs


    -rw-r--r-- root/root 86 2008-07-01 17:48:49 etc/sysconfig/network.example.net_cs


    -rw------- root/apache 4761 2008-10-17 15:23:37 config/bigip.conf


    -rw------- root/apache 702 2008-10-17 15:23:37 config/bigip_base.conf.cstmp



    WinRAR should also be able to open the files. I've seen issues using WinZIP though.



    The bigip.conf and bigip_base.conf should be in the config directory with .cstmp appended to the names.


