Forum Discussion

Brad_53264's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 03, 2008

Web Analytics iRule Style

I am attempting to implement Joe's Urchin solution described here

The iRule described on the above link is working on 99% of my application. I have one specific page, which just hangs the browser when this iRule is present. Included below is the exact iRule I am using. My modifications include making the urchin.js be local, and added additional logging for troubleshooting. Also included is the logging output (scrubbed) from the problem page. Notice how the CLIENT_CLOSED is not triggered until the 5 minute timeout kicks in.

Any assistance with troubleshooting this issue is greatly appreciated.

 when RULE_INIT { 
    replace the value of the _uacct variable with your Google Analytics account. 
     set analytics " 
   set exist_search "urchinTracker()" 
  Get time for start of HTTP request 
    set http_request_time [clock clicks -milliseconds] 
     Log the start of a new HTTP request 
    set LogString "Client [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] -> [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]" 
    log "$LogString (request)" 
    Don't allow data to be chunked 
   if { [HTTP::version] eq "1.1" } { 
 log "HTTP::version = 1.1"   
     if { [HTTP::header is_keepalive] } { 
 log "is_keepalive = true" 
        HTTP::header replace "Connection" "Keep-Alive" 
 log "Connection is now Keep-Alive" 
     HTTP::version "1.0" 
 log "HTTP::version is now 1.0" 
    Received the response headers from the server.  Log the pool name, IP and port, status and time delta 
    log "$LogString (response) - pool info: [LB::server] - status: [HTTP::status] (request/response delta: [expr [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $http_request_time]ms)" 
   if { [HTTP::header Content-Type] starts_with "text/html" } { 
     if { [HTTP::header exists "Content-Length"] } { 
       log "content length: [HTTP::header {Content-Length}]" 
       set content_length [HTTP::header "Content-Length"] 
     } else { 
       set content_length 1000000000 
     log "Collecting $content_length bytes" 
     if { $content_length > 0 } { 
        HTTP::collect $content_length 
   log "Content Type: [HTTP::header Content-Type]" 
   if { ! ([HTTP::payload] contains $::exist_search) } { 
    log "Payload didn't contain $::exist_search!" 
     set idx [string last "" [HTTP::payload]] 
     if { -1 == $idx } { 
       set idx [string last "" [HTTP::payload]] 
     log "html end tag found at $idx" 
     if { -1 == $idx } { 
 log "-1 == $idx" 
       set offset [HTTP::payload length] 
     } else { 
 log "-1 != $idx" 
       set offset $idx 
 log "before HTTP::payload replace" 
     HTTP::payload replace $offset 0 $::analytics 
 log "after HTTP::payload replace" 
     Log the end time of the TCP connection 
    log "Closed TCP connection from [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] to [IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port] (open for: [expr [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $tcp_start_time]ms)" 
     Get time for start of TCP connection in milleseconds 
    set tcp_start_time [clock clicks -milliseconds] 
     Log the start of a new TCP connection 
    log "New TCP connection from [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] to [IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port]" 


 Nov  3 18:55:06 tmm tmm[2931]: Rule urchin_logger : New TCP connection from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:20747 to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:443 
 Nov  3 18:55:06 tmm tmm[2931]: Rule urchin_logger : Client XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:20747 -> (request) 
 Nov  3 18:55:06 tmm tmm[2931]: Rule urchin_logger : HTTP::version = 1.1 
 Nov  3 18:55:06 tmm tmm[2931]: Rule urchin_logger : is_keepalive = true 
 Nov  3 18:55:06 tmm tmm[2931]: Rule urchin_logger : Connection is now Keep-Alive 
 Nov  3 18:55:06 tmm tmm[2931]: Rule urchin_logger : HTTP::version is now 1.0 
 Nov  3 18:55:06 tmm tmm[2931]: Rule urchin_logger : Client XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:20747 -> (response) - pool info: was XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX 9443 - status: 200 (request/response delta: 247ms) 
 Nov  3 18:55:06 tmm tmm[2931]: Rule urchin_logger : Collecting 1000000000 bytes 
 Nov  3 18:55:06 tmm tmm[2931]: Rule urchin_logger : Content Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8 
 Nov  3 18:55:06 tmm tmm[2931]: Rule urchin_logger : Payload didn't contain urchinTracker()! 
 Nov  3 18:55:06 tmm tmm[2931]: Rule urchin_logger : html end tag found at 60866 
 Nov  3 18:55:06 tmm tmm[2931]: Rule urchin_logger : -1 != 60866 
 Nov  3 18:55:06 tmm tmm[2931]: Rule urchin_logger : before HTTP::payload replace 
 Nov  3 18:55:06 tmm tmm[2931]: Rule urchin_logger : after HTTP::payload replace 
 Nov  3 19:00:06 tmm tmm[2931]: Rule urchin_logger : Closed TCP connection from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXXX:20747 to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:443 (open for: 300568ms) 

3 Replies

  • I found the root cause of my issue.



    "SOL8648: An HTTP connection can stall if collecting a response using HTTP::collect and the response has no Content-Length header"



    I am running version 9.4.3 with ASM. I've disabled ASM and the problem is now resolved. This known issue has been resolved in 9.4.5.
  • Does anyone know a way to implement the same functionality without using HTTP::collect?
  • That issue is fixed in 9.4.5 so upgrading should resolve the issue. As there have been a lot of significant issues fixed in 9.4.5HF2, it would be good to upgrade regardless of this issue.



    I'm not sure why the server is responding with no content length header though if you're forcing HTTP 1.0. I thought the only time a server would use no content length header was if the HTTP version was 1.1 and the encoding was chunked.



    You could insert the HTML using a stream profile and STREAM::expression iRule. It would probably be more efficient than buffering the response payload using HTTP::collect.



    You could look for in the STREAM::expression and then replace the matched string with plus the HTML for the urchin. However, I'm not sure whether you would be able to only do the insertion if the "urchinTracker()" string isn't already present.



    Take a look at the STREAM::expression (Click here) and STREAM_MATCHED (Click here) wiki pages for some examples to see if this could work for your scenario.


