Forum Discussion

naladar_65658's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Nov 20, 2008

A Problem with Datagroup Usage

I am having problems with an iRule that uses datagroups. For some reason it just doesn't seem to work at all. Would you fellas mind taking a look at it and maybe point out any grammatical or logic errors it may have? I have ran it through the iRule Editor and the syntax checks out, but I feel like I am missing something basic that the editor just doesn't pick up...






set header_uri [string tolower [HTTP::uri]]



if {[matchclass $header_uri starts_with $::www8_uri]} {


pool WWW8_Pool



} elseif {[matchclass $header_uri starts_with $::oam_uri]} {


HTTP::redirect ""



} elseif {[matchclass $header_uri starts_with $::hello_uri]} {


pool Hello_Pool



} elseif {[matchclass $header_uri starts_with $::maui_uri]} {


pool Maui_Pool



} elseif {[matchclass $header_uri starts_with $::publicSite_app_uri]} {


pool PublicSite_App_Pool



} elseif {[matchclass $header_uri starts_with $::calli_web_uri]} {


pool Calli_Web_Pool



} elseif {[matchclass $header_uri starts_with $::true_web_uri]} {


pool True_Web_Pool



} elseif {[matchclass $header_uri starts_with $::documentum_uri]} {


pool Documentum_Pool



} else {


pool WWW2_Pool







12 Replies