Forum Discussion

ptate_72056's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 23, 2009

Persistence cookies and security

Hi Everyone,



We've recently had a security audit reveal that the BigIP persistence cookie contains the IP address and the port of the node the user connected to.



I can see why this is required from a BigIP point of view but is there any way of securing this information, bar not using cookie-based persistence.



Many thanks in advance,




3 Replies

  • Hi Phil,



    As the client should never need to read or modify this cookie, you can encrypt the cookie value using the 9.4+ HTTP profile option 'Encrypt Cookies'. Enter the name of the cookie and a passphrase to use. Make sure to create a custom HTTP profile rather than modifying the default HTTP profile so this option will only be used on the specific VIP(s) you want it for.



    If you're on an older version of LTM, you could use an iRule to encrypt the cookie value using 'HTTP::cookie encrypt|decrypt' in HTTP_RESPONSE and HTTP_REQUEST, respectively.



  • hi hoolio



    we have made use of a config example from the f5 site (shown below)



    just to confirm 100%, does the encrypted cookie prevent the end user from reading the contents of it? i.e. is the IP address of the back end server disguised? or is the cookie simply encrypted in transit to prevent anyone other than the genuine client and server from reading the data?








    set cookiename "OurCookie"


    set encryption_passphrase "OurPassphrase"




    when HTTP_RESPONSE {


    if { [HTTP::cookie exists $cookiename] } {


    HTTP::cookie encrypt $cookiename $encryption_passphrase






    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    if { [HTTP::cookie exists $cookiename] } {


    set decrypted [HTTP::cookie decrypt $cookiename $encryption_passphrase]


    if { ($decrypted eq "") } {


    Cookie wasn't encrypted, delete it


    HTTP::cookie remove $cookiename






  • Deb_Allen_18's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    The cookie data is encrypted and decrypted by the LTM only using the specified key. The client, since it does not have the key, cannot decrypt the cookie, so any data within it is not readable by the client.