Forum Discussion

chandru_14815's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 01, 2009

Power Shell script to monitor active node

Hi Joe,



Can you help me with a power shell script to know which node is currently active and the config sync details for both the F5 Big-ips?



Can this result be shown in an html page





9 Replies

  • Can you explain what you mean by "which node is currently active". Are you referring to a pool member? Isn't the idea that they are all active? If you can specify exactly what you are looking for, I could probably get you something going.



  • Thanks Joe!



    I am looking for sync status and which node is active in the cluster



    Hope this helps
  • I think chandru is asking how he can determine which BIG-IP in an active standby pair is active and whether the configuration on the two units are in sync.



  • Don_MacVittie_1's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Hey chandru,



    Here are a couple articles on this topic and some sample source in Java, conversion to C is straightforward, though if you've not done such a conversion before I can lend a hand.





    Hope that helps!


  • Hi Don,


    I have not done this conversion before. Can you help me convert this?


    Your help is much appreciated



