Forum Discussion

Matthew_64708's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 02, 2009

Oracle Monitor Connection Issue

On our project we're having trouble configuring Oracle monitors on our F5 appliances. We are getting the following error in the F5 logs:



Recvd: '


SQLException: Io exception: Connection refused













We've checked the connectivity/connection string via SQLPLus from another box (GOOD). We also verified connectivity between the F5 and the Oracle server (GOOD). Googling on the web, we saw that it could be issues with out of date .jar files so we updated those to our latest version of Oracle (Oracle 10g R2 but that didn't do anything.



Thoughts about debugging and/or solving this issue would be appreciated.


2 Replies

  • Has this ever worked or is it the first time you're trying to configure the monitor? Can you run a tcpdump and compare the successful login from another client with the failure from LTM?



    You can also enable debug on bigd, the monitoring daemon, by running 'b db bigd.debug enable'. You can run 'b db bigd.debug disable' to disable debug logging. Log output is written to /var/log/bigdlog.



  • I work with mtorrenzano. We have Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 cluster. The issue seem to be that of service_name vs SID. Via typical jdbc url, we can specify SID but not service_name. For that the url needs to be something like - jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = hostname1)(PORT = port)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = hostname2)(PORT = port)) (LOAD_BALANCE = yes) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = service_name) ) )



    How do we specify such URL while configuring an Oracle health monitor? The only other way around this seem to be installing Oracle client on F5 and configuring tnsnames.ora in appropriate manner.



    Any suggestions are appreciated.