Forum Discussion

sbadea_81872's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 03, 2009

Restricting access using irule

Is it possible to create an irule to restrict access to a certain ip range/hosts? I created a data group list containing a number of hosts ip addresses; need some help to create the irule. Can it look like this one?





if { [matchclass [IP::remote_addr] equals $::mylist] } {


pool my_pool


} else {



6 Replies

  • Hi there,

    That would work fine. Just make sure to use an address type datagroup (called a class in the bigip.conf).

     when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { 
        if { [matchclass [IP::remote_addr] equals $::mylist] } { 
           pool my_pool 
        } else { 

  • This rule is just what I was looking for, however what if the data group contained networks instead of hosts. Can this same irule work?
  • I tried it out and it works perfectly. I only adjusted the when CLIENT_ACCEPTED to when HTTP_REQUEST so that we could redirect them if they didn't meet the match.
  • how do you define "mylist" ?


    Inside the irule or using the Data Group List ?


    I tried to use it inside the irule, but did'nt found the right syntax. Then I used it in the Data Group List, but it's not easy to insert, when you have many datas to insert.
  • It would be most efficient to add the IP's/subnets to a datagroup. You can either edit the bigip.conf file, or modify the class via the command line using 'bigpipe' or use an external class and a separate file. Try searching on for details on these options, or reply here if you get stuck.


