Forum Discussion

ugurtanyildiz_9's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 04, 2009

URL filter lists

Hi all,


I want to ask if there can be a rule to filter some of URL's at F5.


I mean i want some urls ( and, etc) not be forwarded to traffic servers, route them directly to the internet.


is that possible by writing an irule?







3 Replies

  • U can use redirection for this. It will just redirect it to the required site.
  • Hi Ugur,



    Are you trying to limit the requested hostnames in HTTP requests to a VIP load balancing your servers? Or do you have a forwarding virtual server for outbound traffic to the internet?



  • Hi Aaron;


    i have a forwarding virtual server for outbound traffic however not all traffic forwarded directly


    i direct some traffic(HTTP, FTP, RTSP etc..) to traffic servers and process and route them afterwards.


    for other traffic, F5 is a router and forwards them to internet without going traffic servers.


    But i want also some specific sites to be routed directly from F5 without going to traffic servers although they are HTTP traffic.


    i found some rule, and wonder if it should work?


    class allowed_http_hosts {




    "" }


    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    if {[matchclass [string tolower [HTTP::host]] contains $::allowed_http_hosts]}{


    pool ts }


    else {


    pool out }

