Forum Discussion

Eireann78_19953's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 05, 2009

SSL management access down



After a power outage I can't connect to a BIG-IP 3400 9.4.5 via either ssh or https. Using the console I restarted sshd, httpd and tomcat4. The services seem to come up but I still couldn't connect. I rebooted the box and the same problem exists. In the httpd error log - 16:10:15 DevF5 httpd[18694]: [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `DevF5.manage.lpo' does NOT match server name!?



Intermittently I can telnet to port 22/443 and connect when I ssh using putty the key doesn't seem to download.


Has anyone seen this issue before? Any help appreciated.






2 Replies

  • Perhaps the SSL device cert was corrupted or missing.


    To Take you to the F5 knowledge base that has instructions on recreating the SSL device certificate with Open SSL Click here


    Hope this helps.


  • Hi,



    If both SSH and HTTPS connection attempts fail intermittently, I'd guess it's a network level issue rather than a daemon issue. If you check the 'b interface' output does it show mgmt as UP? Ideally it should be 100 FD. If you run a tcpdump on eth0 do you see packets making it to/from the mgmt port (tcpdump -ni eth0)?


