Forum Discussion

sorn47_86555's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 08, 2009

iRule Filter Streaming

problem about i-rule to re-direct streaming traffic request to caching (BlueCoat)





I have problem about i-rule implementation as follow:-






1. F5 connect to caching (BlueCoat) in order to redirect only streaming traffic request



(e.g. yahoo video, msn video, aol video, and more) to caching.



2. If there are some other traffic request, F5 must bypass caching directly to internet.



Please advise.



Best Regards,



3 Replies

  • Hi,



    If I understand the scenario correctly, you could create a BlueCoat pool and a gateway pool and then use an HTTP class (in 9.4.0+) or an iRule to select the corresponding pool based on the request criteria you have. How do you want to differentiate the streaming requests from the default requests?



  • Hi Aaron,



    Thanks for your comment. In scenario have 2 Bluecoat (Bluecoat A and Bluecoat B).I need cache streaming request send to Bluecoat A and aonother request send to Bluecoat B. Please let me know sample and how to config irule for this scenario.










  • If you were inspecting the HTTP request headers and/or data, how would you determine that a request is a "cache streaming request"?




