Forum Discussion

isa_38887's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 09, 2009

Decrypting cookie using SHA1

Good afternoon all,



I would like to write an irule command so that


- it checks the presence of the cookie named "Test"


- gets the cookie value of the cookie


- performs it's hash using the SHA1 function to get the provided string value encrypted in the cookie


- rewrites back the decrypted value in the cookie



Would anyone have an example of how I can write that?


Thanks for your help

2 Replies

  • Thanks Aaron for your reply : I am checking different examples but as I'm really new to irules I was just hoping someone used to irules would have an example to get me started because I'm having some troubles with the syntax at the time being :-) I'm not even able to test the command on the BIG-IP, I'm just giving a model of what we expect which doesn't make things easy for me. So if anybody has an example nearby, that would be great!