Forum Discussion

mfreeman451_606's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 14, 2009

replacing SSL certificates for existing virtuals through the CLI

I've written a script that will copy a new .crt file to the F5 for a given virtual and "replace" the old one. What bigpipe command can I use to tell the virtual ( to reload without affecting current sessions?


I thought I could simply create a new temporary virtual like so, and then delete it:


b virtual b0rk { profile clientssl }


b virtual b0rk delete


but it doesn't appear to be working..


I plan on making this stuff work w/ the iControl API so if anyone knows how to do it in there also that would be appreciated.




Mike Freeman

3 Replies

  • Hi Mike,


    The quick and dirty method using the command line is to run a 'b load' to force a re-read of the SSL cert file into memory (SOL6066 - Click here). You could also click on Save in the GUI on the client SSL profile(s) which reference the updated certificate. I'm sure there is an iControl method for doing this as well, but I don't know it.



  • That's not really an option for us (b load) and since we're trying to completely automate this, going through the GUI isn't either. Anyone know if there is some other trick to do this?
  • iControl would be the way to go then. You could try posting in the iControl forum (Click here) for more relevant eyes.


