Forum Discussion

idandis_38353's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 28, 2009

Changing VLANs and VIPs name

Is there a way to change the VLANs and VIPs names. We are using version 9.3.1

4 Replies

  • You can only do this by editing the bigip.conf and/or bigip_base.conf and then reloading the config by running 'b load'.



  • if you rename the vlan you will need to save and the do a reboot of the f5.
  • Thanks for pointing that out. If you change the VLAN name, you don't get an error, but no traffic seems to pass on the VLAN until a reboot. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but it doesn't seem very ideal.



  • bigstart restart has been effective for me in changing vlan parameters, but the recommendation I've always received is to do a full system reboot when messing with vlan changes.