Forum Discussion

cvrnr_18603's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 28, 2009

eav/ecv for siteminder

We have a reports server which uses sitemindeer for authentication.we want to implement a health check to determine the health of the site based on siteminder functionality .how can this be achieved

5 Replies

  • Are you trying to check the state of the report server? I assume it's an HTTP(s) web server? Is there any page which you can access without authentication? If not, what type of authentication does the server require?



    If you can provide more detail on what exactly you're trying to do, what you've tried and any issues you've encountered, we can try to provide more specific suggestions.



  • Are you trying to check the state of the report server? Yes


    HTTP Server yes



    when any request comes to report server it is redirected to a https server .this server has the siteminder component installed on it when authentication is done completed from thsi server the reports webpage is displayed



    when the siteminder component fails the reports server goes down.basically the reports url will not be redirected to the https site.



    Thanks in advance
  • Can you install a browser plugin like HttpFox for Firefox or Fiddler for IE, make a request to the report server with your browser and post an anonymized copy of the first request which the report server accepts? Make sure to change the Authorization header value if there is one.



  • Hi cvrnr,



    In siteminder configuration file named : LocalConfig.conf there is a parameter called : IgnoreUrl.



    So put a page under your web server and put that url in front of IgnoreURL so that siteminder should ignore it and not take u for auth.



    Hope it helps