Forum Discussion

artysmartypants's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 13, 2009

redirect to https on 302

Hi All,



I have a request for an iRule(maybe) that would change an AJAX redirect to https. IE: In the redirect response from 'LOCATION' to 'LOCATION'. I currently have a http_redirect rule on the VIP for the external side of the web server, but it is not redirecting the request to https when the AJAX request is processed. The rule works properly when the request is sent via the browser itself. I am not that familiar with how the request is processed when using AJAX, but I will do my best to answer any questions. Thanks in andvance.




1 Reply

  • Hi Brad,



    Can you try enabling rewrite redirects on a custom HTTP profile which you add to the VIP and retest? If that doesn't work, can you test with a browser plugin like Fiddler for IE or HttpFox for Firefox and post the response headers and body which is triggering the problem?




