Forum Discussion

Allim_63326's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 09, 2009

Automating Config Sync on LTM

I was going through the previous posting on this topic and wondering if I have to do the same in order to have config sync automated.



I am runing ver 10.0.1 latest one



Please let me know what are my best options to automate the config sync process, i would like to do config sync every 120 minutes



Here is the previous posting that I found on this forum



Thank you for helping me

9 Replies

  • You could use a script which runs 'b config sync' from the active unit to the standby and call that from cron. There are a few examples of this in previous posts, if you search this forum further.



    However, what is the use case for this? Why do you want to automate the config sync? I think Denny brought up two valid concerns about doing this in the post you referenced:




    The reason I don't like doing this is twofold:



    1) You expose yourself to a configsync kicking off right in the middle of someone making changes. Probably wouldn't be catastrophic, but there is potential for config corruption.



    2) You could, depending on the frequency of the automated configsync, lose the ability to roll back any changes you made that end up being incorrect for some reason.








  • Thank you Aaron for the response,



    We have external scripts that monitors the pool member status and when ever there's any problem with any of the pool member and those member will be removed automatically.



    During this time if LTM failover to standby unit then we will encounter the problem and that's why we want to have automated config sync process.



    Again thanks for your help and insight
  • Actually you can just run the script, if you don't see any error then you can use it on ver 10.0.1.



    If you really need to verify, you can run these commands and should not see any error messages or empty output:



    /usr/bin/failover_status | grep -i active


    b db Configsync.State


    b db Configsync.LocalConfigTime


    b db Configsync.PeerConfigTime


  • mohdallim: Since you're already running a script to remove members from a particular pool on the active, why not repeat those actions on the standby? That will avoid the config sync activity altogether and may be a bit cleaner (e.g. less intrusive).



  • Yes, we are exploring that option also and looks like we may lean towards script which is already running on active to run on standby rather than automating the conf sync on the LTM.
  • hi what would be the best way to test the scrip?, another question the scrip only be run when it detects any error in the pools?
  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    Test it by running at the command line...



    Yes, you could also alter the script to only run when there's an inconsistency... Just use 'b config sync status' to pull the status of the sync at the moment. Then pipe through a quick grep and check the result.


