Forum Discussion

Song_86464's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 09, 2009

RAM Utilization really HIGH

I am not sure why but I wanted to see if someone knew why our RAM Utilization is so high.



Mem: 380668k av, 375556k used, 5112k free, 0k shrd, 27808k buff


217140k actv, 41424k in_d, 6444k in_c


Swap: 3086880k av, 27544k used, 3059336k free 154628k cached



We have a few servers and bandwidth never has been an issue actually sustains about 40% utilization. I did notice this that tmm (Tomcat I think) is working hard for some reason.



1052 root RT 0 437M 437M 436M S 98.2 117.7 3739h 0 tmm



Does anyone have any thoughts, I have a BIG IP LTM running (9.3) in a Active Standby Pair. I have about 10 Web Servers with 3 of them in a pooled configuration. I can't seem to understand why the RAM Utilization is so high, I think it's also contributing to little connection outages but not sure.


4 Replies

  • I also had to disable Reaper High-water Mark and Reaper Low-water Mark by setting it to 100% since it was timing out on connections. Not sure if this was a good thing since it prevents DOS Attacks but still don't understand why the RAM Utilization is so high.
  • I'd open a case on this issue, you might have a memory leak.
  • it looks like your numbers are from the linux side of things, which are not reliable. Still if you are having timeouts, I'd get a case open.
  • TMM is the Traffic Management Microkernel. It's the main load balancing daemon. For pre-9.4.2 top will not report accurate metrics for TMM's resource utilisation. You can check SOL3242 for details:



    SOL3242: Traffic Management Microkernel (TMM) CPU and RAM usage




    It would still be a good idea to open a case with F5 about this.


