Forum Discussion

bsutter_12449's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 03, 2009

Redirect new sessions to maintenance page

We have a website that is load balanced with 2 nodes in a pool. We are looking to do some maintenance. We want to allow the current connections to continue on with their work but send any new connections to a separate website.



I know how to bleed current existing connections by setting the nodes within the pool to 'disable'. What would be the easiest way to redirect any new connections to a separate URL. Thanks in advance.

2 Replies

  • I wonder if LB_FAILED is triggered when a new TCP connection is established from a client to the VIP without persistence and all nodes in the pool are disabled. This might be the easiest option (check in LB_FAILED if [active_members [LB::server pool]]==0).



    If that didn't work, you could insert a session cookie or use the cookie insert persistence profile cookie to see if the client had already established a session. The downside to using a session cookie is that a new client could get sent to the pool at any time--hours or days after the cookie was set assuming the client doesn't close their browser.



  • I've used a simple fallback host setting in the HTTP profile for this type of thing in the past, and it works great. You manually disable your nodes (which will allow current connections to bleed off), then the fallback host setting will kick in and redirect folks to some other site that you specify.



    Will this accomplish what you want?


