Forum Discussion

Robert_Landrito's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 30, 2009

downing a member from LB_FAILED

Hi all,



I'm trying to write an iRule that will down a member in LB_FAILED. I figured this would be a good spot to do it, since LB_FAILED is reached if a selected member is unreachable or non-responsive.



However, it seems that I can't get information for the selected member. [LB::server pool] returns properly, but [LB::server addr] and [LB::server port] don't give me anything, and I therefore can't call LB::down with the appropriate arguments. Calling LB::down alone doesn't seem to do anything in this context either.



Anyone else able to accomplish this? LTM 9.4.5.

7 Replies

  • I think this is because of the way LB_FAILED works (someone please jump in if I am wrong): it'll fire if the LTM can't select a pool member, or that member is down. So to me it's not a surprise that you can't down a member from this event.



    What are you trying to accomplish, specifically? That may help home in on some options.



  • Hi Matt,



    I would have expected that LB::server commands would return info for the "currently selected" pool member even if the connection failed. If a member couldn't be selected because no pool member was up, then it would seem logical that LB::server * could only return the pool name. I could see why the IP::server_addr/TCP::server_port commands wouldn't return anything in LB_FAILED because no connection was established to the pool member.



    Maybe this is a bug? There have been quite a few issues with using commands in LB_FAILED over the past versions. However, from a post post, someone was able to at least get the LB::server addr and LB::server port values in LB_FAILED (in 9.3.x):





    rshayne, do you have any pool members not marked down in the pool when you're testing?



  • Ahhh yes very good points Aaron, thanks. Now I'm going to have to go off and research this the last question is key: are there any members available? If so, we'll need to dig into this one a bit!



  • Ok my apologies everyone. The problem is that I was doing the LB::detach before the LB::down. The detach will "unselect" any currently selected member. Makes sense.
  • Makes sense, thanks for the follow-up. Would you be willing to post your rule, by chance?



  • It's just a basic failover iRule. The idea is to use a designated "failover pool" for a given pool. I know I could do this with priorities but I need to snat as the "failover pool" will be a vip on an LB at an alternate datacenter. In addition to adding the snat, I inject a header to try and prevent any crazy loops between LB's. If you have any suggestions or improvements, especially regarding efficiency, do share.

     when RULE_INIT { 
       set ::remoteDCSnatPool "remote-dc-snat" 
     when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { 
       set defaultPool [LB::server pool] 
       set failoverPool "[LB::server pool]-failover" 
       set failover 0 
     when HTTP_REQUEST { 
       if { [active_members $defaultPool] < 1 || $failover == 1 } { 
         if { [HTTP::header exists lb_origin] } { 
           log local0. "lb_origin detected, rejecting" 
         } else { 
           log local0. "Failing over to $failoverPool" 
           set failover 1 
           HTTP::header insert "lb_origin" 1 
           snatpool $::remoteDCSnatPool 
           pool $failoverPool 
     when LB_FAILED { 
       if { $failover == 1 } { reject } 
       log local0. "reached LB_FAILED, [active_members $defaultPool] active members" 
       if { [active_members $defaultPool] < 1 } { 
         if { [HTTP::header exists lb_origin] } { 
           log local0. "lb_origin detected, rejecting" 
         } else { 
           log local0. "Failing over to $failoverPool" 
           set failover 1 
           HTTP::header insert "lb_origin" 1 
           snatpool $::remoteDCSnatPool 
           LB::reselect pool $failoverPool 
       } else { 
         LB::mode rr 

    Edited for formatting
  • iRules contest ends today, might wanna submit that one by 5pm pacific!