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mariogolf_57851's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 08, 2009

iControl and bigipie conn server vip-ip:port delete

Well I minorly tweeked two awesome PERL scripts togglePoolMembers and toggleNodes to:


down and session disable pool members and then down disable the node.


These PERL samples were instrumental in downing POOL MEMBER : PORT's within members when say something goes wrong


on a particular server e.g. LDAPS and you want to disable it's instance from the BipIP. Better spoken when you


desire new connections NOT to go to this server which in is jeopardy.




The bigpipe conn server vip-ip:port delete


Is essential in breaking all current connections from the VIP housing the server in jeopardy.


Can iContol perform this service? Or is there another way to do this service as it is generally an essential


element of this equation?



6 Replies

  • Unfortunately access to the connection table was removed in iControl due to performance issues with accessing that large of a data set within a HTTP SOAP request. So, at this point, there is not an equivalent in the iControl API to remove individual entries in the connection table.




    Well then is there a way to execute a raw bigpipe command using iControl. I'll assume not.


    Thinking outside the bun, maybe an iRule could do it? Create it then delete it?


    I am looking @ automation. Soup to Nuts so to speak. Without this functionality it is half baked for me.


    When a pool member is "session disabled" and node is same, persistent connections remain indefinitely.


    Do you have any juju in your bag for breaking these connections to said VIP?





    Thanks much
  • What if you use iControl virtual support and delete and re-create the virtual? Will that down the connections?



  • Hi Joe,



    Is there an existing CR requesting this functionality be added back in a usable way? It seems like there are a few people interested in this:



    System::Connections seems to be gone from the SDK




    Rejecting a connection based on address and time of day?






  • A rumor is pycontrol has support for this. How to run pycontrol under Linux as Windows is NOT an option.