Forum Discussion

CraigM_17826's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Feb 23, 2010

iRule Editor generating error in LTM log

Hi all,



I've just noticed that whenever I update a rule on our BigIP (running 10.0.1 Build 378.0 Hotfix HF3) using iRule Editor I see the following errors being logged in the LTM logfile



Feb 24 10:53:36 local/bigip-u1 err mcpd[1647]: 01020066:3: The requested rule (WebSphere_Test_HTTPS) already exists in partition Common.



These entries appear for any iRule I edit. If I use the web based editor to update the iRules I do not get these errors being logged.



Has anyone else noticed this and know what, if any , the implications are?





