Forum Discussion

kris_20094's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 25, 2010

irule to check existance of registry key?

Hi Guys,



Just wondering if its possible to check the existance of a registry key on a Windows machine to determine if the server is alive? Used as a health check to determine the traffic direction




3 Replies

  • Hi Kris,



    This seems related to the questions we've seen on monitoring a Windows service:




    Here are a few related posts. I think the best practice solution would be to write a web page which checks the status of the service on the local server and then responds with a specific string indicating success or failure. You could then configure an HTTP monitor which polls that web page.



    Monitoring a windows service




    Monitoring a Microsoft Windows Service






    I don't know of any Linux utilities that could be used to remotely access a Windows host and get or set registry keys. I supposed you could install an SSH server on the Windows hosts; create a script that establishes an SSH connection and runs the regedit commands to check for specific key(s); and then use that script as an external monitor for LTM. All in all, it seems fairly complicated.



  • Hi Kris,


    Unfortunately that is something that can't be done by the BIGIP. However, you can open a ticket to F5 for a product enhancement on the next release. Not sure if it will ever be added but it's an intriguing way to monitor a server.




    Sorry I couldn't provide you with good news





  • Thanks for the fast reply Aaron, I agree, the monitoring of the key seems difficult when easier methods exist. Ill look at the the two links you've provided and go from there - thank you!