Forum Discussion

toshiba1_93765's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 27, 2010

New FireFox browser and Old Firepass SSLVpn.xpi

I could not install this plugin due to the fact that I am using the latest Firefox browser in Ubuntu Karmic(9.10), and the Firepass is an old version. I always get the following error message when trying to install it:



F5 Network Access plugin 6030.2009.0326.1 could not be installed because it is not compatible with Firefox 3.5.8.



Is it possible to download this Firepass plugin and manually change the version of it and manually install it with Firefox browser of Ubuntu 9.10?




2 Replies

  • I think an XPI is just a zip archive, so you should be able to modify the contents. You could also disable version compatibility checking in Firefox:



    about:config, set extensions.checkCompatibility to false



    I'd think there would be an updated Firepass addon as well, but I'm not sure about this.



  • Thank you Aaron, setting extensions.checkCompatibility to false is working fine for me.