Forum Discussion

JasonC_40913's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 25, 2010

Route Back to the Original Server through VIP

Hello everyone,



I received a request on establishing a very simple (but looks stupid) connection, but I don't really know how to make it successful. Hope someone could help here.



Source: One of the Load Balanced servers


Source IP: its own real IP



Destination: This server itself


Destination IP: Load Balanced VIP




I tried to use the following iRule but cannot make it





if { ([IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals *source_ip*]) and ([IP::addr [IP::local_addr] equals *destination_vip*]) } {


node *source_ip*}





I know the requester has some limitations on the application so that he must work this way. Any idea how to solve this puzzle?


5 Replies

  • Hi Jason,



    So you're trying to send the request to the source IP for specific requests? That rule looks okay for the most part. One question: Is the destination IP of the VIP a network? If not, why are you checking the local address?



    If you're forcing the load balance selection to the client IP address, you'll need to use source address translation to ensure the server replies back to itself through LTM. You can do this in the iRule using the 'snat automap' command in the same section as the node command.



  • Hi Aaron,



    Thanks for the reply and suggestion. I further fine tune the iRule like below





    if { ([IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals *source_ip*]) and ([matchclass [TCP::remote_port] equals 80]) } {


    node *source_ip*


    snat automap}





    I tried to foward all port 80 traffic from this server back to itself, but it still could not work. Any idea? I tested it by using C:\telnet *VIP* 80
  • You would only need to use matchclass if you wanted to check if the remote port was in a datagroup. Also, TCP::remote_port in a clientside event like CLIENT_ACCEPTED will return the client's source port. TCP::local_port will check the client's destination port.

    Can you try this:

     when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { 
        log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]: New connection to [IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port]" 
        if { ([IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals]) and ([TCP::local_port] equals 80]) } { 
           log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]: Matched IP/port check" 
           node [IP::client_addr] 
           snat automap 

  • Thanks a lot Aaron!


    The rule works great and the user is extremely happy with that!



    I have learned a lot here too~~



    Thanks again!