Forum Discussion

Joe_Curl_105786's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 21, 2013

Powershell Node Health Monitor

We are working on our first Powershell script to deploy our applications to LTM's. We have been able to create nodes, but we use a specific node level health monitor. We have not been able to figure out how when we create the node to also apply this specific monitor at the same time. Below is the code we are using to add our nodes.




(Get-F5.iControl).LocalLBNodeAddress.create( (,$newnode), (,0) )


2 Replies

  • should use nodeaddressv2 if on v11+, nodeaddress is deprecated beginning in v11.


    You need to use the set_monitor_rule method after the node is created, the create method doesn't support setting the monitor in the same call.