Forum Discussion

Srini_Vaiyapuri's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 23, 2013

How do I configure VIP which got backend server of different port instances

Hello, I have F5 rule request where front end VIP is https and backend as 3 different server instances and each instances have different ports assigned. Now how should I configure the VIP so that whenever a user hitting the https VIP url it should redirect to the appropriate back end server instances.


for eg:


testvip-443 - VIP


testpool-443- pool testserver1 - 8110 testserver2- 8110 testserver3 - 8110 testserver1 - 8111 testserver2 - 8111 testserver3 - 8111 testserver1 - 8112 testserver2 - 8112 testserver3 - 8112


5 Replies

  • as long as you define the pool members with their port, you shouldn't need to do anything special on the vip, it should 'just work.'


  • You don't have to do any special to make this work. Just make sure port translation is enabled in the virtual server config.


  • The VIP configuration is independent of the destination pool port you configure. Just need to make sure that you have the pool port and monitor selection properly so that the members get available as per your requirements.


  • Ohh ya one more thing are they serving the same application .. that also is a point you want to confirm.