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r0mulus_122476's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 30, 2013

TMSH Line Continuation

I have a TMSH command that needs running and its difficult to read because its so long. Is there any kind of line continuation character that can be used inside the TMSH shell to separate the command a bit?


7 Replies

  • Hello r0mulus,


    Yes. You can use the "\" as a line continuation.




    tmsh create ltm profile testing \


    defaults-from tcp \


    idle-timeout 1800 \


    nagle enabled \


    proxy-buffer-low 10000 \


    proxy-buffer-high 25000 \


    send-buffer-size 65535 \


    receive-window-size 65535


    Hope this helps.


  • Hello r0mulus,


    Yes. You can use the "\" as a line continuation.




    tmsh create ltm profile testing \


    defaults-from tcp \


    idle-timeout 1800 \


    nagle enabled \


    proxy-buffer-low 10000 \


    proxy-buffer-high 25000 \


    send-buffer-size 65535 \


    receive-window-size 65535


    Hope this helps.


  • You can use "\" in bash (not in tmsh):

    $tmsh modify virtual \
    > access-test-vs \
    > disabled